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miscarriage causes

Miscarriage occurs in up to 15 percent of known pregnancies. Most of the time, there's not a lot you can do to  forbid  miscarriage (a few exceptions are included in this article), but it helps to know why it happens

If you have had a miscarriage, chances are you want to know what caused it, and what you can do to prevent it from happening once more. For starters, relax. “Since you got pregnant once, the odds are 80 percent that you will go on to have a healthy baby, and as many healthy babies after that as you want,” says Henry Lerner, MD, clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Harvard Medical School and author of Miscarriage: Why it Happens and How Best to decrease  Your Risks (Perseus Book Group, 2003). Next, accept that you may never know why you miscarried. “The majority of the time miscarriage is a random, isolated event and we can’t pinpoint a cause,” he says. Women who go on to have two or three miscarriages (called recurrent miscarriage) may ultimately learn they have a medical problem that is causing their pregnancies to end spontaneously, but even with recurrent miscarriage, half the time there is no known cause.

How to Prevent Miscarriage?
One of the best things you can do to prevent a miscarriage is to be aware of the risks so you can adequately address them before you try to get pregnant.

Get Prenatal Care- Working with an obstetrician can help you get the right prenatal care for your body. This will typically contain increasing your intake of vitami
ns that will help you grow a healthy baby. Calcium and iron are essential to growing a baby. Mothers should also take high doses of folic acid in the first weeks of pregnancy as this can help reduce the risk of birth defects. These nutrients should be consumed in your diet, as well as through prenatal or multivitamins.

Eat Healthy- Eating healthy is essential to providing your growing baby with the tools they need. In addition to consuming calcium, folic acid and iron, patients should work to consume omega-3 fatty acids, calcium citrate and vitamin D. You should also work to limit your intake of fatty meats, replacing them with lean protein sources such as fish, tofu or beans. Eliminate trans-fats which are commonly found in processed foods. Refined foods including white bread, pasta and sugar should also be avoided. Drinking 6-8 glasses of water is essential to maintaining ideal health. Avoid consuming alcohol, caffeine or tobacco as well.

Exercise Properly- Exercising on a daily basis is essential to maintaining your health while pregnant. If you exercised regularly before you became pregnant you will be able to maintain your regular routine. However, if you did not exercise regularly before you became pregnant, you should work with your doctor to determine a proper routine to maintain your baby weight.

Manage Stress levels- Mothers must avoid excessive levels of stress while they are pregnant to              
Avert  a miscarriage. Avoid situations that increase your stress levels and take on activities that help you keep your stress down. Working with a therapist or practicing yoga or meditation can help you rid of stress.

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