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Ways Palatine Couples Get Fertility Help From Natural Fertility Doctor

By Hans Gerhard

Many individuals who would love to have a baby find conception to be difficult. There can be many causes of infertility that affect one or both of the individuals who form the couple. Many have found help through Palatine fertility therapy.

The human endocrine system helps to regulate one's body cycles by producing hormones. These chemical substances regulate everything from sleep to growth to reproduction. They can influence mood swings, increase the energy levels or increase appetite. If they are out of balance, in either or both members of a couple, conception may be hindered.

There are eight glands in the endocrine system, that includes the reproductive organs. Each gland produces and secretes hormones in the body. The levels of these hormones may be affected by a person's stress, fluid levels and changes in the immune system. The nutrients found in one's bloodstream can also affect hormone levels.

In women, the three key players of one's endocrine system include the ovaries, the thyroid and the adrenals. The adrenal glands produce cortisol, a stress hormone as well as epinephrine. Once the body undergoes menopause, the adrenal glands provide estrogen and progesterone. Cortisol is able to affect the levels of progesterone in the body. Extended periods of stress can decrease the chances of becoming pregnant.

Among men, a low sperm count is the primary cause of infertility. In addition to experiencing a low sperm count, some the sperm that some men produce are unable to travel to the egg. Others create sperm that cannot penetrate the egg and thus the partner never becomes pregnant.

Palatine fertility therapy can help to overcome the barriers to a couple becoming pregnant. The doctor provides help with exercise, diet and stress management. Many people have found the help offered to naturally increase the chances of conception and carrying a baby to full term. Most patients find the natural alternatives less invasive than other types of infertility therapy.

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