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Methods Of Cleaning Stuffed Bears By Use Of Washing Machines

By Dianne Crane

Over time, stuffed bears will become dirty as a result of hugging and playing with. It is therefore important for you to know how to clean them should they get dirty. However, cleaning these toys is not normally easy. Continue to learn how to clean your loved toy using a washing machine.

You can get instructions on how to clean your stuffed animal from the tags from the manufacturer of the animal. Generally, these instructions are the best to go by because the stuffed toys are very different in nature. This means that they are also washed according to a manufacturer's specification. At certain times however, the instructions may not be available, or they simply may not be readable.

Washing these toys can be tricky at times. For example, you must be sure if they can go into the washer. Again, you must be sure if you can use a regular detergent or if there is a specific one that you must use.

Several things may necessitate the animal washing. One reason for wanting to wash your toy can be that it has accumulated lots of dirt from where it was shelved, or that an owner is simply too caring and likes keeping their animal clean. You may be the kind that likes washing, but, to keep it new, it must be washed less frequently. If it is washed more frequently, it will lose its newness and crisp appearance.

As to whether to wash your animal in the washing machine, you should consider the following factors. If they are old and look fragile, you probably should think of another way to clean them. Some also come with music boxes sewn inside them, you will be destroying them by taking them to the washing machine. Occasionally, you will find that some of them come with delicate clothing like net, beads or crowns.

It is important to examine the toy first before you can start washing it. This way, parts that need to be removed before washing can be noted. When washing these toy animals, bear in mind that they are similar to pillows, and that the best washing machine would be one which does not have an agitator. By washing it on a machine with an agitator, it will easily displace the batting, in addition to causing the toy to be balled.

Having decided that it is fit to be cleaned using the washing machine, you should put it inside a laundry bag that is meshed. The wire mesh protects it from pummeling and snagging action of the washer. When washing, you are advised to use gentle or delicate cycle since aggressive washing can destroy it. Whether you use cold or warm wash, it does not matter. However, hot washing is not recommended as it may make the glues to come off.

After it has been washed, remove it from the mesh bag and hang it on a clothesline. For hanging, use an S-hook or a clamp. Dryer heating is not recommended for stuffed bears, the reason being the heat can affect the glue.

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